After catching up with an old friend I hadn't spoke with in several years, I was told that she suffered a stroke and became paralyzed on one half of her body at the age 33, which was followed by brain surgery that next year, a dozen seizures later that same year, and a second surgery which involved a VNS device being implanted in her chest all within 2 years.
This young woman is now 35 years old and finally realizing that she needs to slow down and take care of herself first before she can take care of her family. She's a single mother and tried to take on the task of being a Super-Mom. But she can only be the best mom that she can be for her 3 children. After having a 2 hour conversation with my old buddy I couldn't help but to think that the term Super-Mom is over rated.
Mother's Day was a few days ago but it's never too late to acknowledge the people who have the most important job in this world; MOTHERS! Mother's are responsible for raising up the children who will be the future and carry on legacy's. This is not to say that father's aren't significant in the process, but we all know that children are guided by the nurture of his/her mother.
As a mother, there is only one job for that mom to do; and that is to be the best mom that she knows how to be. This whole idea of Super-Mom is a myth. It doesn't matter how strong, hard working, smart, or talented that mother is, she can only do what she can do. When mother's try to live up to the standard of being Super-Mom then she neglects the most important person in the equation-herself.
Mother's, stop trying to be Super-Mom just because you feel that you have the strength to do so. Take time out for yourself and only do what you can do. When you start to realize that you're tired more than usual, or frustrated more often, may be getting frequent headaches, you're not exercising regularly or eating healthy, feeling depressed or stressed, or even feeling overwhelmed more frequently; then it is time to STOP! Stop putting everything else before yourself. It may sound harsh but no one comes before you but GOD. When everyone is depending on mom, who is she depending on. This is especially for the single mothers who feels that the entire world is on their shoulders.
Super-Mom is a myth! You do NOT have super powers so therefore you need to stop living up to that title. You may be able to maintain the Super-Mom facade for a while but it won't be long before reality kicks in and you realize that all while you were being Super-Mom, you were sacrificing your health, happiness, peace of mind, and possibly your life. Slow down and take it one day at a time because all the tasks, errands, bills, parent conferences, friends, and relationships will be there after you take some time for yourself. Pace yourself and NEVER put anyone/anything before 'you' except God.
Think about that.
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