Monday, April 21, 2014

Do you have what it takes to become successful?

       It's been over 15 years since I've sat in a job readiness workshop and received some of the best information of my life. Janish Marsh, with a PhD in psychology, explained within a 2 hour workshop the skills needed in order to have a better chance at a successful career. She defined success simply as-completing a set of goals that has conveniently prepared you to create your next set. "Success isn't as far out of reach as some people may think. It is very near to you. Janish explained, "Success is not at the finish line, but it the drive that keeps you going."
     If more people understood that its' success getting them through each set of goals they've constructed in order to earn their desired outcome, more people would accomplish what they've actually set out to do. "You are successful long before you've earned the desired outcome," explains Janish, "And once you've earned the outcome you'd been working for, the journey changes from successful to accomplished." 
      So the moral of the story is that you aren't working to gain success, you are already successful considering that you are in the race and going forward in order to accomplish your desired outcome. A successful career is when you are continuously completing each set of goals that's leading you to your next set.

Skills needed in order to have a better chance at a successful career:
  • Have a vision of a desired outcome
  • Ability to set goals
  • Self-confidence
  • A start date
Do you have success? 

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