I am so amazed, refreshed, and relieved to have finally learned the wonderful truth about my individuality and uniqueness. I didn’t just stumble over this truth, but I sought out this truth because I always knew it was there. I had a constant nagging and tugging deep in my soul which kept me restless until I discovered (or uncovered) what was always here in front of me. Are you eager to know what it is?
This might blow your mind so you may need to strap down. If you have to stop reading this until you get in the car or somewhere that has a seat belt, I’ll wait……………
Okay, are you ready???
First, I have a question that I would like for you to answer. Do you
have any flaws? I hope to heaven that your answer is no!
Well, I have discovered that my SO CALLED flaws are exactly what makes
me so awesome. My SO CALLED flaws are what makes me….perfect! But
everywhere I look there are images of what perfection should look like,
and I am constantly being reminded that my SO CALLED flaws should be corrected in order for me to be considered perfect. Or shall I
say, I’d been tricked to believe that perfection is looking, acting, and living how society says I should.
The more you compare your individuality and uniqueness to what society says is perfect, the more you will look to doctors,
television, celebrities, and media for the magic eraser that will take your true identity away. The more you look to
those things for a solution, the more control society has over you. Let me be quit clear about this; accepting and appreciating your uniqueness means that you go against society's views.
sets me apart from you? What sets you apart from your mother or father?
What sets us apart from our friends? It’s our SO CALLED flaws that sets
us apart from the rest of the world. As
a matter of fact, they are not flaws at all; they're our gifts. Our differences,
challenges, uniqueness, size, looks, complexion, the way we walk, our
body type, hair texture, eye color, size of our nose…you know, those
things; aren’t suppose to have
any specific format, structure, size or design in order to be perfect.
My large nostrils, and dark complexion, C shaped ears, loud laugh,
sarcastic humor, and so many other things about me is my special
mixture. We all are made up of the same ingredients but mixed as
different recipe's. Every human is made up of his or her own unique
recipe that makes them who they are; therefore, no one was created
to look like, act like, live like, or desire what anyone else has.
Society programs us to think there’s
a specific blueprint of how we should look, act, and live in order for our lives to be great. But the truth is that we are great when we're born!
Success is in us from day one regardless of how many SO CALLED flaws we
have. Unplug yourself from
society’s outlet and plug into the universe. Erase the idea that your
individual uniqueness are flaws and uncover the truth for yourself.