Saturday, April 19, 2014

Poor self esteem costs a woman her life after butt injections.



      A young toddler boy has to live the rest of his life without a mother. His mother suffered from poor self-esteem and a lack of self-confidence, and as a result lost her life due to silicone toxicity. 
     I can't find the perfect group of words to describe how grieved I am to hear about beautiful people risking their lives to enhance their physical beauty, but I am able to express how living without self-confidence can provoke dangerous life circumstances. Dangers such as: suicide, murder, drug abuse, alcoholism, mental illness, child molestation, rape, divorce, torn families and a slew of other revolting issues that are sweeping across our country.  One of the main causes is the lack of self-confidence. This may sound all too simple and more like a mere opinion rather than an actual assessment; but empirical studies spanning over 15 years have revealed that self-confidence contributes to the health and quality of life ( 
Don't believe it? Well, how do you explain a 22 year old young woman leaving her baby boy without his mother because she decided that having a bigger butt was more important than her health and life? The NYPD rushed to a horrific scene and discovered Tamara Blaine foaming at the mouth and having a seizure in a New York hotel room; July 2013. Reason? Blaine paid Tamira Mobley, 28, to perform a butt enhancement procedure which included the injection of silicone into her butt. Mobley was a non-professional without any medical training who performed the risky procedure which led to Blaine's death. 
     Tamara Blaine did not have to die this way but something in her mind (or the lack thereof) had her to believe a big butt was essential to her life. I suspect that Tamara was not happy with herself and did not have the self-confidence to believe her unique qualities were enough to live a fulfilling life. Self-Confidence is believing in one's abilities, qualities, and judgment and she obviously did not have that. If she had confidence in her abilities then she would have understood that a big butt could not enhance her as a person, especially as a mother. Tamara could not have had confidence in her qualities because a person who does-understands that one's qualities isn't solely measured by physical appearance. There is no need to discuss her judgment because if she had confidence in her judgment she would have at least saved up enough money to pay a professionally trained plastic surgeon to perform the procedure for her. Instead she used poor judgment and put her life in the hands of a scoundrel.
     If you get nothing else from Tamara Blaine's story, please realize the urgency to build your confidence and to help others build theirs. It can be a matter of life or death.

"Self-esteem in a broad-spectrum approach for mental health promotion."Health Education Research. oxfordjournals, 15 June, 2004.

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