Friday, December 16, 2011

Putting A Filter Around Your Mind!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Allow me to introduce myself...Introduction video

Friday, December 9, 2011

Independent vs. Prideful

"I'm an independent woman," said Sheila.  As she was ending an argument with her boyfriend of two years. "I go to school, take care of my two kids, work full time, and nobody is helping me. I was doing that before you and I will continue to do it after you; because I'M INDEPENDENT."

Independence is something that should be celebrated. Being independent means that you've mastered the ability to stand on your own, and can move forward in life proudly without having total reliance on someone or something else to support you.
Independence is NOT something that is to be used to isolate you from others, or prevent you from receiving their support or help.
The most independent people have been able to orchestrate teams and bring people in their lives to assist and help them get ahead.

Being prideful is an attitude that leads people to boast about what they do, have done, and are capable of. A prideful person may not acknowledge that they sill need support and help from others; while an independent person appreciates the support and help from others that has helped them get to where they are.

Be proud of your accomplishments and celebrate how far you've come, but don't allow these things to get in the way of where you're trying to go.

"Well baby I didn't want to argue with you. I thought we could possibly help each other, and also spend the rest of our lives together. But I see you don't want that." James walked out of the restaurant and left Sheila there alone.
"Oh no! What have I done? I wanted him to marry me....but...." and so Sheila cried wishing James would come back.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Is That Reflection Really You?

Some people look in the mirror everyday, and others avoid it. Some people see their reflection and are happy with it and others will stop at nothing to alter theirs. Most people probably look in the mirror and don't see themselves as others may see them. Our reflection is a mysterious thing. When we look in the mirror do we really see what we think we see? At that very moment when you see your reflection is it telling the truth?

A lady walks outside and receives non-stop compliments of how beautiful she looks; she also got that beautiful dress delivered to her that afternoon that she ordered online; and she found out her poem was selected to be featured in her local newspaper. That afternoon as she walks past a store window and  gazes at her reflection she thinks to herself, " I look good today, and I like what I see!"

The same lady walks outside on a different day and she doesn't receive one compliment. She lost track of time and had to rush out for work leaving her cell phone behind; and to top it all off she received bad news through a phone call before she left home. As she walks past the mirror in the dressing room of the department store where she works, she thinks to herself, " I look awful, I wish I was pretty. I don't like what I see." 

What happen? The same lady saw her reflection on two different days but saw two different reflections. Could it be that what she saw was actually what she felt inside? Was she really looking at her reflection with her eyes or was she looking with her heart?

If when you look at your reflection and don't see one of the most beautiful faces you've ever seen, then you may need to check to see if you are loving yourself at that moment. Check to see if you feel good about yourself at that moment; and if not, find anything to be happy about.

See, believe it or not, when you look at your reflection it's more than the outer appearance you see. You CAN see the inner most part of your spirit when you look at your reflection. Instead of constantly altering your outer appearance and trying so hard to change the physical you, work more on changing the spiritual you. I guarantee your reflection will always tell the truth if you are loving yourself and happy with YOU. You are the most beautiful creation in the world.

6 steps to get organized!

Being organized is one sure way to help you reach the success that you desire. Old papers, old clothes, old toys, clutter, lack of storage space or containers, no file system in place; are some of the things that keeps us out of order. The goal is to get ourselves in order and stay in order. Being organized is a beneficial skill that helps us keep balance between our business life and personal life. Here are 6 steps that my team and I have put together that will give you a jump start to a more organized life:

STEP 1: Get a pen and sheet of paper and write down all of the reasons and all of the ways that being organized will help to better your life...You have to jump start your mind set and plant the seed into your own mind that being organized will help to better your life.. Sometimes we don't realize how being unorganized hinders us from moving forward with the things we really want to do.

STEP 2: Get another sheet of paper and write down the specific areas, rooms, storage's..etc..that needs to be organized. If it is the home office that needs to be revamped and causes the most stress, then write that down. If it is the kids play room, write that down; the file cabinet with 10 year old papers, then write that down. If it is your TIME that needs to be organized, then write that down.

STEP 3: Don't put that pen away just yet! On another sheet of paper make a section for each room that you wrote down in step 2. Go to each room, area, or storage space, look around and identify exactly what needs to be done in order to get it organized. Do you need to throw things out, rearrange furniture, get more storage bins, get more labels, etc...

STEP 4: Take inventory of all the things you will need in order to do the job. How much, how many, how big?. What store's will you need to go to? If it's your time that needs to be organized then you may need a calendar, appointment book, a timer, etc..

STEP 5: After you've made the list of things needing to done, and have taken inventory of the things needed to get the job done for each room, area, or storage space; then go get a calendar and select a date and time that you will do each thing, and write it on your calendar. If you work Monday - Friday from 9-5, then the best time for you may be weekends. Choose what weekend you will do the first thing and what time you will do it. If it's a big project then spread it out over as many weekends you'll need to get it done. The purpose of doing it this way is so that you don't overwhelm yourself and give up on the task.

Step 6: Get the job done!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The path you are on is only for YOU. No one else can walk YOUR path. No one else can live YOUR life. No one else can complete YOUR journey. Along the way you will invite people to join you on YOUR path, and you will step off and join others on their path; but YOUR path will always be YOURS and only YOURS.
While walking YOUR path, take the time out to observe the things YOU pass along the way. Notice how everything is arranged specifically for YOU. Everything on YOUR path is arranged to help YOU learn, to help YOU grow, to help YOU understand, to make YOU aware, to feed YOUR curiosity, to broaden YOUR knowledge, to enlighten YOU, and to show YOU what YOUR purpose and destiny truly is on this earth. Not everything on YOUR path will be pretty, or welcoming, or easy to handle, or delicate, or lively, or even pleasant. But nevertheless, YOU will benefit from everything you encounter on YOUR path as long as you stay the course and keep YOUR focus on what lies ahead.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Let Today Be Spectacular!

Some people down talk tomorrow before it even comes. They'll say things like, "Oh my goodness, tomorrow is gonna be rough cause I got so much stuff to do." or "Oh brother, tomorrow is gonna be hell and I ain't looking forward to because I got to go to court." You know what I mean.

If tomorrow hasn't come yet, then don't talk it down; and when it does come, speak blessings over it. When tomorrow does finally come and it is now today, let today be spectacular! Each day that you have to live on this earth has been assigned to you. Each day that you are blessed to wake up is put in place based on the decisions you've made and the ways you lived in the days before. So why not make each day spectacular? If today is spectacular then you will make spectacular decisions, you will meet spectacular people, you will do spectacular things, you will have spectacular energy, and you will see spectacular results in your day.

So just let today be SPECTACULAR!!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Does your love have a price tag?

How much is your love? Do you have a price tag on your love? Have you ever thought about what your love is worth?

Ladies: We have to be responsible for how we allow men to treat us. We need to first value ourselves and take the price tag off that's hanging from our hearts. Don't give in so easily when 'Mr. I got so much game Mattel wants to make me the president' comes your way. He may take you out to a nice restaurant, treat you to a movie, drop a little change in your pocket, whisper sweet nothings in your ear, and make sure you are the first one he calls in the morning and the last one he talks to at night; but is that enough? He may buy your kids gifts, let you meet his mama, let you drive his jaguar, and even buy you a commitment ring; but is that enough? That nice Gucci purse, those red bottom pumps, that fabulous designer dress; but is that enough?

Don't get me wrong, it's nice to have a man do nice things for you, buy you nice things, take you to nice places, and make you feel special, but is that all it takes for him to get your love? Are you not worth more than material things?

Some men think they have us all figured out. "I'll make her feel special, buy her some nice things, and once she gets hooked and start loving me, I can get the goods whenever I want," says Mr. I got so much game Mattel wants to make me the president.

It's awesome if he generates enough income to maintain his household and give you something on a your bills, but sitting down with you and teaching you how to budget your income is priceless. The fine dining at the nice restaurant is a nice presentation when he takes you out, but it's something about surprising you with a romantic home cooked gourmet meal that says, " I don't want any distractions. I just want all my attention to be on you and yours on me."

Buying gifts for the kids is nice, but coming to little Tommy's Christmas production shows that he wants his presence to have a lasting effect. Letting you drive the jaguar is cool, but a key to his house says, " I'm yours." Introducing you to his mother means it's getting serious, but grabbing your hands and praying out loud," God thank you for sending me my wife, " says it all.

The point is this; don't give your love away for the temporal material things because in reality you are priceless. Take the price tag off and know your value.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Dear Woman of Today

This letter is to inform you of the new system that has been put in place to ensure you receive 110% support while preparing to meet with destiny. It is understood by many, though there are so many more needing to understand, that you have dedicated your lives to assure your influence and God given abilities be used to transcend the integrity, moral values, dignity, and compassion of humanity. It is also understood by many that in the most trying and difficult times you've sacrificed your physical comfort and mental stamina in efforts to lay a solid and strong foundation for the weak to build their strength on. You've done this by consistently loving the less fortunate, stepping up and doing the jobs that no one wants to do but has to be done, lending your delicate hands in times of battle, extending your arms to heal the broken, stretching your shoulder to support the weary, and bending your back to carry the wounded.

The new system is designed to repair, restore, replenish, reinvent, and redefine your value. The old system has run it's course and now it's time for it to be conformed. When that happens you'll notice how much love will be returned to you, others will do the jobs you've been doing that no one wanted to do, hands will be lent to you so you don't have to battle, arms will be extended to you so you won't break and crumble, shoulders will be supporting you in your times of weariness, and you will be carried on the back of the One who loves you the most.

The new system is within you. Step into the time machine and reflect on what you've been through and how far you've come. Look at how much further you want to go. How will you get there? How will you step into a new dimension of life if you still work under the old system? Appreciate the journey and the things learned under the old system but look forward to doing things in a new way. Expect greatness. You've put in the work now rest and reap the rewards. You will only receive this rest with the new system in place. Change the way you think, upgrade your expectations, expect greatness, and begin to live your life under the new system. It's in you. Ready to take you further.

20 Ways A Woman Can Display Her Confidence

  1. Be comfortable with the way you are at this very moment. {{If you need to lose a few pounds, just work at it while enjoying the more plump you. Be comfortable in the skin your in.}}
  2. Smile. {{There is something about a smile that says " I love me, I love life, and no one can steal my joy right now.}}
  3. Compliment other beautiful women. {{Don't be intimidated by other beautiful them.}}
  4. Step out of the spotlight. {{No value is taken from you when you allow someone else to get a moment to shine. Your turn will come again...Be at peace with that.}}  
  5. Listen to constructive feedback. {{Don't take offense when receiving constructive feedback. Take from it what you need and grow...if nothing is needed from it then respect the person for sharing their thoughts with you.}} 
  6. Closing your ears to gossip. {{A confident woman won't take delight in gossiping about others, or listening to it. She would rather uplift with her words and listen to encouragement.}} 
  7. Participate in or do things that may display the not so perfect you. {{It's not always about trying to impress. Be confident and understand you're not perfect. Don't avoid things just because your not that good at it and don't always do things that you are excellent in.}} 
  8. Reading while waiting at appts etc...rather than texting or talking. {{One of the greatest ways to display confidence AND inner beauty is by demonstrating that you use your spare time to edify yourself.}} 
  9. Share some of your trials and past struggles with those who could benefit from hearing it. {{People may see the you that you are now, but it took hard work to get there. Share that story. Don't worry about being judged for your past mistakes and failures. A failure is just a delayed success anyway.}} 
  10. Surrounding yourself with other women who are where you want to be. {{There's nothing wrong with having a mentor or seeking guidance. Don't avoid being around those who are where you want to be. Show your confidence by seeking them out and taking notes because you know your time is here... "Anybody seen Oprah around" LOL/ JK.}} 
  11. Take yourself to lunch, dinner, or a movie and have a blast. {{Need I say more. Do your grown woman thangy thang.}} 
  12. Aim for classiness and not sexiness. {{The voluptuous lady beside you may be getting attention because she let it all hang out. But your classiness is a STRONG display that you are confident even though you may not get ALL the attention, but you get the right kind of attention.}}
  13. In heated arguments/ debates, let the loud mouths get the last word while you save your energy for something positive. 
  14. Taking action on your dreams. {{Each taking a step forward toward your dream shows that you are confident it will become a reality... Doubt season is over. The I think I can pill has been flushed down the toilet. The I'll get to it one day pie has been eaten (ain't no more)..Faith season is here!!!}} 
  15. Laugh at your own mistakes. {{Don't beat yourself up or be hard on yourself when you've made an error.. Allow God's peace to give you comfort in knowing that the error/mistake you made is going to be used towards His plans for you. Your mistakes are valuable assets, so giggle a little when you've made an oopsy. It's all good.}} 
  16. Write a letter (not call or text) to a loved one or old friend and share with them what they meant/mean in your life. {{This speaks volumes. Make their day! Allow that confidence and love in you to pour out on paper. This will leave a lasting impression on the life of someone special to you.}} 
  17. Trusting God in trying times when everyone around you is in a panic.{{The root of your confidence should be intertwined with the promises of God. Trust Him and what He says in His word. Display your confidence and give Him the glory!}} 
  18. Demonstrate your uniqueness even if it's contrary to what's accepted in society. {{If God has me on a mission, and society doesn't accept what He packaged me with (personality, look, dialect, interests, talents etc...); I refuse to fall back. I have no desire to be a clone in order to satisfy the standards of society. My uniqueness step as I step and I thank God for it.}} 
  19. Speak highly of the good Lord and all He hath doneth for you. {{Society may not want to hear about Jesus BUT I can't contain and suppress my excitement for what He has done for me. A confident woman will use wisdom and knows how to be delicate when sharing the goodness of God with others; In a way that shouldn't draw negative attention.}} 
  20. Just be yourself. {{You are strong. You are unique. You are special. You are here for a purpose. You're needed. You influence. You encourage. You nurture. You motivate. You give. You forgive. You understand. You cherish. You love. You pray. You hope. You desire. You dream. You...You...You...You are beautiful. I love you so much.}}